Spoke 9:
Securing Digital Transformation

Associate Professor, UNIROMA1

TA 9 has the main objective of studying new approaches, methodologies, solutions, and tools that can provide adequate security guarantees for new application scenarios that are emerging today as a consequence of strong acceleration towards pervasive digital transformation. In particular, the researchers involved in the topics of TA 9 will work on four reference scenarios, considered to be of strategic interest for the near future: (i) development of decentralized finance solutions based on secure distributed technologies such as DLTs and smart contracts; (ii) strengthening of data security and privacy properties in services provided by the public administration within e-government programs; (iii) remote healthcare solutions based on personal devices, essential for more efficient management of chronically ill patients or those patients in need of continuous monitoring; (iv) quantum key distribution technologies for critical applications.

Project: Network for ultra-secure quantum communications (ReQuS)
PI: Alessandro Zavatta, Senior Researcher, CNR

Project: Security and Privacy of E-Government (SPEGO)
PI: Mauro CONTI, Full Professor, affiliated UNIROMA1

Project: Smart Decentralized Finance (SmartDeFi)
PI: Daniele VENTURI, Full Professor, UNIROMA1

Project: Secure Remote Healthcare for a Better Future (SuReCare):
PI: Leonardo QUERZONI, Associate Professor, UNIROMA1

  • Francati D., Friolo D., Malavolta G., & Venturi D. (2023). Multi-key and multi-input predicate encryption from learning with errors. In Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques (EUROCRYPT 2023) (pp. 573-604). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • Friolo D., Salvino M., & Venturi D. (2023). On the complete non-malleability of the Fujisaki-Okamoto transform. In International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2023) (pp. 307-335). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • Francati D., Friolo D., Maitra M., Malavolta G., Rahimi A., & Venturi D. (2023). Registered (Inner-Product) Functional Encryption. In International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security (ASIACRYPT 2023).
  • Chen, Z., Silvestri, F., Wang, J., Zhang, Y., Tolomei, G. (2023). The Dark Side of Explanations: Poisoning Recommender Systems with Counterfactual Examples. In Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ‘23) (pp. 2426-2430). ACM, New York, NY, USA. https://doi.org/10.1145/3539618.3592070.
  • Trappolini, G., Maiorca, V., Severino, S., Rodolà, E., Silvestri, F., Tolomei, G. (2023). Sparse Vicious Attacks on Graph Neural Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (IEEE TAI) (to appear). IEEE https://doi.org/10.1109/TAI.2023.3319306.
  • Tolomei G., Campagnano C., Silvestri F., Trappolini G. (2023). Prompt-to-OS (P2OS): Revolutionizing Operating Systems and Human-Computer Interaction with Integrated AI Generative Models. In Proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (IEEE CogMI ‘23) (to appear).
  • La Morgia, M., Mei, A., Mongardini, A. M., & Wu, J. (2023). It’s a Trap! Detection and Analysis of Fake Channels on Telegram. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS) (pp. 97-104). IEEE.
  • Cernera F., La Morgia M., Mei A., & Sassi F. (2023). Token Spammers, Rug Pulls, and Sniper Bots: An Analysis of the Ecosystem of Tokens in Ethereum and in the Binance Smart Chain {BNB}. In 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 23) (pp. 3349-3366).
  • Cernera F., La Morgia M., Mei A., Mongardini A. M., & Sassi F. (2023). Ready, Aim, Snipe! Analysis of Sniper Bots and their Impact on the DeFi Ecosystem. In Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023 (pp. 1093-1102).
  • La Morgia M., Mei A., Mongardini A. M., & Nemmi E. N. A Game of NFTs: Characterizing NFT Wash Trading in the Ethereum Blockchain. 43rd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2023), 18-21 July 2023, Hong Kong, China. IEEE.
  • Ceravolo P., Di Ciccio C., Di Francescomarino C., Gómez-López M. T., Maggi F. M., & Sindhgatta R. (2023, July). Editorial: Recent advances in process analytics. J. Intell. Inf. Syst., 1–3. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10844-023-00798-w
  • Basile D., Di Ciccio C., Goretti V., & Kirrane S. (2023). A Blockchain-driven Architecture for Usage Control in Solid. In E. Bertino & B. Li (Eds.), 1st Workshop on Fintech and Decentralized Finance (FiDeFix) at the 43rd IEEE
  • Alessio Cecconi, Luca Barbaro, Claudio Di Ciccio, Arik Senderovich (2023). Measuring rule-based LTLf process specifications: A probabilistic data-driven approach. In: Information Systems, 102312. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.is.2023.102312
  • Marangone E., Di Ciccio C., Friolo D., Nemmi E. N., Venturi D., & Weber I. (2023). MARTSIA: Enabling Data Confidentiality for Blockchain-based Process Execution. In The Enterprise Computing Conference (EDOC 2023). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-46587-1_4
  • Basile D., Di Ciccio C., Goretti V., & Kirrane S. (2023). Blockchain based resource governance for decentralized web environments. Frontiers in Blockchain, 6, 1141909. https://doi.org/10.3389/fbloc.2023.1141909
  • G. Pagnotta, F. De Gaspari, D. Hitaj, M. Andreolini, M. Colajanni and L. V. Mancini (2023). DOLOS: A Novel Architecture for Moving Target Defense in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 18, pp. 5890-5905, 2023, doi: 10.1109/TIFS.2023.3318964
  • D. Hitaj, G. Pagnotta, B. Hitaj, F. Perez-Cruz and L. V. Mancini (2023).  FedComm: Federated Learning as a Medium for Covert Communication, in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, doi: 10.1109/TDSC.2023.3288215
  • F.C. Villata (2023). Il regolamento (UE) 2023/1114 relativo ai mercati delle cripto-attività : prime note nella prospettiva del diritto internazionale privato, in Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale, 2023, 3, pp. 745-757
  • B. Bonfanti. NFT-backed loans. Spunti per un inquadramento giuridico
  • A.Canepa. Il mercato degli NFTs, con particolare riguardo alla gamification
  • U.Minneci. NFTs e mercato secondario
  • Y. Yuan, Q. Hao, G. Apruzzese, M. Conti, G. Wang (2024). Are Adversarial Phishing Webpages a Threat in Reality? Understanding the User’s Perception of Adversarial Webpages.  in stampa
  • T. Bianchi, A. Brighente, M. Conti (2024). DynamiQS: Quantum Secure Authentication for Dynamic Charging of Electric Vehicles. (WISEC 2024), in stampa
  • M. El-Zawawy, C. Lal, M. Conti (2023). A Location-Aware and Healing Attestation Scheme for Air-Supported Internet of Vehicles. In IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 25 (2), pp. 2017-2033, 2023., DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2023.3316775
  • A. Agiollo, E. Bardhi, M. Conti, N. Dal Fabbro, R. Lazzeretti (2023). Anonymous Federated Learning via Named-Data Networking. In (Elsevier) Future Generation Computer Systems, DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2023.11.009

Altri Spoke

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